1. Spinach powder can cure astriction and prevent saint fiacre's disease. Spinach contains plenty of vegetable fiber. It can promote intestinal tract peristalsis and good to defecation; It also can promote pancreas to excrete to help digest. It can be used to cure saint fiacre's disease, chronic pancreatitis, astriction and anal cleft etc.
2. Spinach powder can promote growing development and enhance disease resistance. The carotene can become to be vitamin A in the body and maintain the health of the eyes and epithelium.
3. Spinach powder can Guarantee nourishments to improve body health. It contains lots of nourishments such as carotene, vitamin C& E calcium, phosphor, coenzyme Q10 etc. The Fe contained by spinach can help to cure Fe-lack anaemia.
4. Spinach powder can Promote metabolism and anti-aging.
5. Spinach powder can be Skin cleaning and anti-aging.