Shenzhen MSL Handbag Factory Limited
MSL Handbag Factory Limited has established in ShenZhen (HongKong) since 2004, offering customers in affordable deluxe products without compromising style and functionality. With the extension of our business for 10 years, two more factories being set up in GuangXi and DongGuan, so as to increase our capacity for increased demand. Further more, in 2016, MSL set up the third factory in Sihanoukville Cambodia, majors to our customers for US market in which to enlarge our production capacity up to thousand of workers.
Innovation and trendy is what sets MSL different from other manufacturers. Our dedicated in-house design team 10 people leads us to provide over 1,000 new design styles every year, to fulfill our customers based on what they requested. Our products range is mostly in nylon, PU, PVC, canvas, braiding for handbags, travelling goods, cosmetic bags, kids bags.
Today, MSL supplies products across the globe and produces over 2 million bags a year, taking overall production to up 13 million dollars, making us become one of the most successful bag makers in China.
Thanks for this chance to have our factory briefly introduction to you. We are always welcome to explore more different customers among from the world. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Any bag special, function, and then good selling in globe market, high quality is a very important reason. Our factory has QC team to control the quality. Firstly we have strict requirements to our suppliers when purchasing material. After received the material from the supplier, our QC will make all kinds of inspection, from the raw material, various tests, production lines back and forth check, and until to finished bags, our QC team take carefully attitude to every details to check every production work. Basically, our client' tolerance is our tolerance! Aiming to provide deluxe and affordable bags!
- Handbags
- Handbags
- Handbags
- Handbags
- Handbags
- Handbags
- Handbags
- Handbags
- Handbags
- Felt fabric handbags
- Felt fabric handbags
- Handbags
- Handbags
- Extra Large Multipocket Waterproof Zipper Handbag Lightweight Oversize Swim Mesh Beach Tote Bag for Beach Outdoor Pool
- Hairy underarm design new fashion fur bag autumn and winter dumpling bag senior shoulder