PP881 3BSF092978R1 PP885 3BSE069276R1 ABB Touch screen panel DCS system
USD $100 - $200 /Pound
Min.Order:100 Pounds
Xiamen xiongba e-commerce Co., Ltd. Zhangzhou Branch
PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1 ABB DCS / PLC system module
PPC380AE01 HIEE300885R0001 ABB Inverter module board in stock
PPC380AE102 ABB HIEE300885R0102 Interface module controller card
PPC902CE101 PPC905AE101 PPC907BE ABB Optical fiber communication board
PPD103-B03-10-150000 ABB Central processing unit (CPU) system industrial control spare parts
PP881 3BSF092978R1 PP885 3BSE069276R1 ABB Touch screen panel DCS system
PP881 3BSF092978R1 PP885 3BSE069276R1 ABB Touch screen panel DCS system
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The following characteristics of the MAC and IP address handling should be
considered in order to avoid network problems while reusing previously used CPU
modules within the same plant:
• The stored swap addresses will be remembered until erased by an IP-config
session (Restore factory settings) or until started up as a backup CPU in new
context (in this case a new swap will take place).
• A CPU running in standalone mode (with RCU terminator fitted) will always
use its own native addresses.
AC 800M High Integrity
AC 800M can easily be configured for usage in safety critical applications. The
main components of such a system are
• PM865 with SM810/SM811 or
• PM867 with SM812,
• SS823 and
• S800 I/O High Integrity, running a High Integrity version of Control Software.
The PM865/PM867 processor unit has increased internal diagnostics, compared to
PM864. The added functionality on PM865/PM867 includes:
• Double over voltage protection on internal voltages
• A additional watchdog timer updated with data from SM810/SM811 or SM812
• Increased oscillator supervision
• Support for S800 I/O High Integrity
• Support for SM810/SM811 or SM812 respectively.
• Increased system diagnostic and online self tests.