Q1: How to order?
A: inquiry >>confirmation>>payment>>delivery
Q2: About MOQ
A: As customers’ options.
Q3: About customization
A: ODM/OEM business partner will be warmly welcome.
Q4: About sample and freight
A: Sample will be shipped by express, freight will be confirmed by our forwarder.
Q5: About price
A: Price is based on QTY, payment terms, time of delivery.
Q6:About Warranty
A:1 Year and long life after-sale service and lifelong free technical support.
In the warranty period, free spare parts .
Contact the following WhatsApp to get video.
#Czechia #Democratic Republic of the Congo #Denmark #Djibouti #Dominica #Ecuador #Egypt #El Salvador
#Estonia #Ethiopia #Fiji #Finland #France #Gabon #Georgia #Germany #Ghana #Greece #Grenada #Guatemala
#Guinea #Haiti #Honduras #Hungary #Iceland #India #Indonesia #Ireland #Israel #Italy #Jamaica #Japan #Jordan
#Kazakhstan #Kenya #South Korea #Kosovo #Kuwait #Kyrgyzstan #Latvia #Lebanon #Lesotho #Liechtenstein #Lithuania
#Luxembourg #Madagascar #Malawi #Malaysia #Maldives #Mali #Malta #Mauritania #Mauritius #Mexico #Mongolia
#Morocco #Mozambique #Namibia #Netherlands #New Zealand #Nigeria #Norway #Oman #Pakistan #Panama #Paraguay
#Peru #Philippines #Poland #Portugal #Qatar #Romania #Russia #Rwanda #Saudi Arabia #Senegal #Singapore #Slovakia
#Somalia #South Africa #Spain #Sri Lanka #Suriname #Sweden #Switzerland #Tanzania #Thailand #Togo #Turkey #Uganda
#United Arab Emirates #United Kingdom #Uruguay #Vietnam #Venezuela #Zambia #Zimbabwe #Uzbekistan