6, 7-dihydroxybergamottin(DHB)
DaXingAnLing Slim Belle Ingredient Co., Ltd.(info2 at slimbelleingredient dot com)
(info2 at slimbelleingredient dot com)
6,7-dihydroxybergamottin (DHB) is a naturally occurring Nettle Root that prevents the breakdown of Methylxanthines and other metabolites in the gut. DHB also prevents the body from becoming tolerant to certain metabolites. When you take DHB, you will need less of each ingredient to get beneficial effects, and the results you get will be even more pronounced.
Tel: 0086-452- 6101667
Fax: 0086-452- 6101669
Email: info2@slimbelleingredient.com MSN:slimbelle@msn.com