Product Details
Model No.:1350
Product Origin:China
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Description:Key Words: Aluminium 7075-T6; Aluminium 7075-T651, UNS A97075; ISO AlZn5.5MgCu; Aluminium 7075-T6; Aluminium 7075-T651; AA7075-T6
Component Wt. %
Al 87.1 - 91.4
Cr 0.18 - 0.28
Cu 1.2 - 2
Fe Max 0.5
Component Wt. %
Mg 2.1 - 2.9
Mn Max 0.3
Other, each Max 0.05
Other, total Max 0.15
Component Wt. %
Si Max 0.4
Ti Max 0.2
Zn 5.1 - 6.1
Mechanical Properties
Hardness, Brinell 150 150 AA; Typical; 500 g load; 10 mm ball
Hardness, Knoop 191 191 Converted from Brinell Hardness Value
Hardness, Rockwell A 53.5 53.5 Converted from Brinell Hardness Value
Hardness, Rockwell B 87 87 Converted from Brinell Hardness Value
Hardness, Vickers 175 175 Converted from Brinell Hardness Value
Ultimate Tensile Strength 572 MPa 83000 psi AA; Typical
Tensile Yield Strength 503 MPa 73000 psi AA; Typical
Elongation at Break 11 % 11 % AA; Typical; 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) Thickness
Elongation at Break 11 % 11 % AA; Typical; 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) Diameter
Modulus of Elasticity 71.7 GPa 10400 ksi AA; Typical; Average of tension and compression. Compression modulus is about 2% greater than tensile modulus.
Poisson's Ratio 0.33 0.33
Fatigue Strength 159 MPa 23000 psi AA; 500,000,000 cycles completely reversed stress; RR Moore machine/specimen
Fracture Toughness 20 MPa-m?/a> 18.2 ksi-in?/font> K(IC) in S-L Direction
Fracture Toughness 25 MPa-m?/a> 22.8 ksi-in?/font> K(IC) in T-L Direction
Fracture Toughness 29 MPa-m?/a> 26.4 ksi-in?/font> K(IC) in L-T Direction
Machinability 70 % 70 % 0-100 Scale of Aluminum Alloys
Shear Modulus 26.9 GPa 3900 ksi
Shear Strength 331 MPa 48000 psi AA; Typical