Bilberry Extract
USD $200 - $200
The medical value of blueberry extract
Blueberries contain anthocyanins, found that more than 15 kinds of anthocyanins in blueberry. Anthocyanins can help maintain the integrity and stability of collagen.
Quality. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants. Many studies show that blueberry is very effective in the treatment of circulatory discomfort, varicose veins and arteries and other discomfort.
Quality. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants. Many studies show that blueberry is very effective in the treatment of circulatory discomfort, varicose veins and arteries and other discomfort.
1 Capillary permeability normalization
Anthocyanins have a very strong "vitamin P" activity, which can improve the level of vitamin C in the cell and reduce capillary permeability and fragility. The permeability of blood brain barrier reduce the contribution through the suppression of brain capillary basement membrane collagen enzymatic and non enzymatic degradation and help keep the brain on drugs and natural degradation products of resist the effects of the function.
2 Vascular disease
In view of the capillary permeability of normalization effect, blueberry anthocyanins were used for the capillary fragility, blood purpura and multiple cerebral circulation disorder, venous insufficiency, varicose veins and for renal capillary fragility caused by urinary trace blood loss.
3 Eye diseases
Blueberry extract shows the obvious effect to help the eye, presumably by improving the ability of oxygen and blood transmission to the eye
1) Cataract
In a human study, bilberry extract stopped 50 patients (97%) of the cortical senile cataract patients with cataract formation.
2) Macular degeneration
Blueberry anthocyanins may play an important role in protecting the development of resistance of macular degeneration.
3) Glaucoma
Bilberry extract because of its effect on collagen structure of the eye may also in the prevention and treatment of glaucoma plays an important role.