Relief Pain Acupuncture, Massage Tens Unit Stimulator / Stimulators
Negotiable /Piece
Min.Order:1 Piece
Home care chronic muscle pain electrical Tens Unit Stimulator / Stimulators
Feet Nerve and muscle Acupuncture, Massage Tens Unit Stimulator / Stimulators
Waist, feet, Lower Back chronic pain electrical muscle Nerve Tens Unit Stimulator
spinal, Chronic Lower Back, Partial body Muscles pain Tens Unit Stimulator
Chronic Body Pain Portable Tens Unit Stimulator / Massager for Home care
Home care Body pain Massage, Acupuncture electronic Tens Unit Stimulator / Stimulators
Low/Medium Frequence Therapy
:: Dilation of blood vessels
:: Promote blood circulation
:: Enhance the body tissue
:: Inflammation and swelling
:: Antinociception
:: Neuromuscular stimulation
:: Reduce fatigue
:: Eliminate paralysis
:: Treatment of nerve damage and paralysis
:: Increase metabolism
Gross Weight: 8kgs
Measurement: 53 x 18 x 49 CM
(1) CE Certificate
(2) Rohs Certificate
(3) ISO 13485:2009
(4) CMDCAS Certificate