Feet Nerve and muscle Acupuncture, Massage Tens Unit Stimulator / Stimulators
Negotiable /Set
Min.Order:1 Set
Waist, feet, Lower Back chronic pain electrical muscle Nerve Tens Unit Stimulator
spinal, Chronic Lower Back, Partial body Muscles pain Tens Unit Stimulator
Chronic Body Pain Portable Tens Unit Stimulator / Massager for Home care
Home care Body pain Massage, Acupuncture electronic Tens Unit Stimulator / Stimulators
Neck / Back / Waist Pain Low frequency Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Tens
Electric low frequency Relief pain home Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Tens
Feet Nerve and muscle Acupuncture, Massage Tens Unit Stimulator / Stimulators:
Tens Unit Stimulator has six functions:
(1) Slow Hammering, Continuous Hammering, Acupuncture, Naprapathy, Cupping, and Massage.
(2) The result will be better if you use together with the Treatment Shoes. It can help you to massage the acupoints of the feet and get through the whole body.
(3) Unique design of 2000 key to make its therapeutic jnuction penetrate into the skin.
(4) Under the single prescription, the unit will be turned off automatically in 15 minutes.
Gross Weight: 8kgs
Measurement: 53 x 18 x 49 CM
Product registered No.:GuangDong FDA of Medical device Registration Certificate No.: 2260445(2005)