Original Plant:The root of Yucca shidigero
Specification:30%,40%,50%,60% Sarsaponin
Test Method:UV
Pharmacology Action: The Yucca schidigera extract when added to animal feed has been shown to lower noxious ammonia gases in animal wastes, dramatically curbing dangerous and foul odors. The extract has also been found to increase animal performance by lowering ruminal, intestinal and blood ammonia levels, which result in poor performance.Ammonia gas results from the breakdown of bacteria in the uric acid of livestock manure. Temperature and moisture are catalysts in the rate of bacterial breakdown. Ammonia enters the bloodstream as a result of nitrogen metabolism or by breathing air containing high levels of ammonia.The negative effects of ammonia on poultry and pigs begin at 25 ppm (parts per million) and become very serious at 50 ppm.
The Yucca schidigera plant is a safe and natural answer to animal inefficiency. The use of the Yucca schidigera extract as a feed ingredient or added directly to lagoons, tanks, or litter pits has proven to be effective in reducing ammonia levels and improving performance.