Atmel SAM4L-EK
This kit lets designers quickly evaluate and develop code for applications running on Atmel SAM4L microcontrollers. The board features an embedded debugger, dedicated circuitry to measure the power consumption of your application, LCD, USB, capacitive touch functionality and much more. It also offers expansion headers to plug in Atmel extension boards so you can easily add gyrometers, accelerometers, Wifi and Zigbee to your SAM4L-EK.
Key Features
ATSAM4LC4C Cortex-M4 device
Board monitor with OLED color display, power measurement stage for ATSAM4LC4C power, joystick and five LEDS
Segger J-Link OB Module (embedded debugger)
QTouch slider and button
Segment LCD (4x40)
USB host and device
Wireless 10-pin interface
SPI serial Flash (AT25DF641A)
Sensor Xplained support
Light sensor
Reset push button
Audio jack connector
User input push button
RS485 connector