Multiplex Machine with Servo Motor and LCD Control System
Cooper Research Technology Ltd.
Multiplex Machine is used to make Uniaxial, CBR and Marshall Tests. 50 kN capacity Multiplex Machine is equipped with a servo motor and LCD graphics control system and capable of doing test with the speed range of 0,00001 mm/ min to 51 mm/min suitable for CBR, Marshall, Triaxial and Uniaxial Tests. For analog measurement the frame can be completed with load ring and dial gauge. Load ring and dial gauge should be ordered separately.
If the machine will be used with a data logger, unilogger (TG-0325),load cell and displacement transducers should be ordered to complete the testing machine.
The tests such as Uniaxial, Triaxial, Marshall and CBR can be performed with the TM-0107 by adding the test accessories.
For more information visit: .uk/shop/general-equipment/multiplex-machine-servo-motor-lcd-control-system/