ECOPAT(ECOdays' Plug flow Aeration Tank)
♦ECOPAT(ECOdays' Plug flow Aeration Tank) |
•Usage |
Water treatment (food waste water, livestock waste water, anaerobic digestion liquid, etc.) |
•Pros compared to products of similar technology of other Korean and global companies |
The technology used here ECOPAT(ECOdays' Plug flow Aeration Tank)makes it easy for waste water, microorganisms and oxygen to come into contact to increase the amount of microorganisms in each unit volume of the reactor by 5 to 10 times more than general technology in order to treat food waste water and high concentration organic waste water within one to four days. Not only organics but also nitrogen and phosphorous, the causes of water pollution, are turned into microorganisms to remove 80 to 90 percent of the inflow. |
•Overall explanation of the product and its characteristics |
ECOPAT is an aeration tank with a built-in E-water treatment cells that insert air through simple pipes without an air blow system and wherein bubbles rapidly rise from buoyancy for fluid to flow toward the upper part of the reactor. This air stays in the gas holdup and passes through the fluid moving pipe when pressure rises above a certain level and then water falls in the upper part of the empty space formed then, actively moving the fluids on the lower part. The waste water inserted on the lower part moves its solids to the bottom from pressure and the treated waste water rises at a speed similar to the movement of bubbles. Therefore, the gas holdup time in the reactor gets longer, raising the oxygen transfer rate and the MLSS on the lower part to make it strong against shock load. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) is long for possible stable treatment of high concentration organics and the HRT necessary to remove 90-99 percent of inserted organics is about 1/10 of existing technologies. By simply installing the E-water treatment cells on existing facilities, one can get the above-stated effects and with only 1/10 of existing facilities, one can get the same treatment efficiency. The cost of treatment per 1cubic metre of treated water, is about 40~60 percent of similar type technology and the maintenance cost per cubic metre/d waste water is about 70 percent of similar type technology, making it highly competitive. |