Water Reclamation and Reuse System
• Low facility and operation cost
• 100% of system inlet water used as recycled water
• Compact facility
• Effective in treating facilities with large capacity
01. Special Features of Aquacell Water Reclamation and Reuse System
• Low facility and operation cost compared to other methods
• Small facility size allowed due to high organic matter and SS removal rate by using Aquacell media
with large specific surface area and good SS filterability
• Normal operation start time shortened because of high initial microorganism adhesion speed
• Easy secession of surplus adhered microorganisms because of low backwash water
• Stable operation allowed after backwash because only surplus microorganisms secede and the base
microorganism remains adhered during backwash due to strong microorganism adhesion power of
Aquacell media
02. Aquacell Water Reclamation and Reuse System Treatment Efficiency
• 85~95% BOD and SS removal
• 95% colon bacillus, odor, chromaticity and turbidity removal
• 50~60% nitrogen and phosphorus removal
03. Aquacell Water Reclamation and Reuse System Application Area
• Large building (hotel/hospital/department store/office building) water reclamation and reuse system
• Rainwater reuse system
• Advanced sewage treatment system
04. Aquacell Water Reclamation and Reuse System Installation Example
• Busan Marriott Hotel (300 tons/day, operation started in August 2002)
Saving 200,000 US Dollars per year by using the Aquacell wastewater reclamation and reuse system
• POSCO SS (1500ton/day, 2008.11operated)
Saving 300,00$/year by using The Aquacell wastewater reclamation and reuse system
05. Aquacell Water Reclamation and Reuse System Component