The piston assembly was made of forging steel 45# or 55 Mn,and piston rubber was made of import high molecular materials. In order to meet the demands of different petroleum drilling technology, Sinotai has studied and developed the new model piston assembly with good properties of high-temperature,high-pressure resistance,high anti-friction. Frist Set 1.Main Part Materials: piston rubber:Japan JSR -220S Piston rubber base: Nylon(N-12); 2.Characteristics:Ordinary anti-compression,and anti-temperature. 3.Application: When the Pump pressure is around 18Mpa,Temperature of mud ≤60C,the service life is 200H. Second Set 1. Main Part Materials: piston rubber:Japan JSR -220S,Piston rubber base: 30 layers high strength fabric cloth. 2. Characteristics:Good anti-compression,and anti-temperature. 3.Application: When the Pump pressure is around 20Mpa,Temperature of mud ≤80C,the service life is 400H. Third Set 1. Main Part Materials: piston rubber: American Polyurethane or polyether ester. 2. Characteristics:Good anti-compression,and anti-temperature. 3. Application: When the Pump pressure is around 20Mpa,Temperature of mud ≤80C,the service life is 500H. Fourth Set 1. Main Part Materials: Piston Rubber: Hydrogenated NBR or advanced high temperature tolerance and anti-abrasion materials reinforced by additives.Piston rubber base: 30 layers high strength fabric cloth or polymer composite. 2. Characteristics: Excellent anti-compression ,abrasive wear and high temperature tolerance property,good combination property at 80-150C. 3. Application: When the Pump pressure is around 26Mpa,Temperature of mud ≥80C,the service life is 600H,especially for ceramic liner and high pressure mud pump.