HJ Ladle Refining Furnace Transformer
Negotiable /Set
Min.Order:50 Sets
XiAn Wisdom Computer Info&tech Co., Ltd
Ladle refinngfumace transtormer is a speclal translormer designad and manutacturedsccording to the characteristics of ladlo rofining process. Tho furnace translormer is designed and manufactured
acarding o the design pineiples earrespondng to the
femperature fise rateand wollage and stableoperation.
Lade reining fumace transfomer is one kind of electric
fumace translormer,the output yoltape of ladle refning
funace transtormer s low. the curent is large,the arc
s stable. the curent fuctuaton s small in oder to
more on-load yoltage regulating types.
Devicetype outdor ype
● AIttude;≤1000m|>1000m tomperature riseand oxtemal insulationdistance nood to be corroctod)
Relativeprogress ≤90%(25℃)
Vohage class(KV
Rated capacty(KVA)
Bum-n resco
Zon-loadwoltage regulation withou excitaton wotage regulaton
SP forces oil circulating wator to cool
FP foroedoi ciroulationair coolng
OI immersed seif coolng (slghtby)press Sthreephase D singlephase
Ladle refining furnace translormer
Product use
Ladle rofining furnace transformeris a speclal transformer designed and manutactured according tothe characteristicsof ladle retining process. Itneeds to meettherequrementsof fine adjustmentof lemperature rise speed and voltage and sable operafion of refining furnace. In addition,we also producecoctic frequency funacetransfomers for the melingof black andnon-ferousmetals, specially tor the producion of aMaion Chengsteel. high-temperature alloy. resistarce gold,precision alloy and somenon-ferous metalclectroslag fumace tansiormors