The wedge wire element in a nozzle is a slot tube. Nozzles are closed on one side and have a threaded fitting on the other. The flow is always out to in. Standard nozzles are 50 mm in diameter, all having a flow-out-to-in (FOTI) filtration.
Principle of water nozzles
Nozzles can be used for liquid/solid or gas/solid separation, or media retention (sand, catalyst, resin, ….).The nozzles are mounted on a support plate (as shown in figure). The dimensions and the distribution of the nozzles on the support plate can be altered to obtain an optimized flow distribution.
Application of water nozzles
Above mentioned designs are used widely in down-flow reactors for liquid/solid or gas/solid separation. The liquid or gas can flow through the nozzles while the solids are retained in the vessel by the nozzles.
Advantages of water Nozzles:
Large open area
Consistent slot width
non loss of resin
Smooth surface
long using life