1.Unwinding unit
Name: Unwinding air shaft Material : air shaft
It's inflatable by air compressor ,convenient to upload and discharge the material .Easy to operate ,
maintain,and change .
2.EPC system
Name: Electronic photo cell
Usage :
These electrical photo cell is used to guide the non neat material .make sure the slitting effect is good .
The photo eyes focus on the edge of material ,you can choose to use single eye or double eyes .
3.Slitting unit
Name: Slitting blades Material : 9GrSi
This machine is standard equipped with 8 sets of slitting blades ,The minimum slitting width is 20 MM ,if
you want to slit smaller width ,you can customize self-locking knives . It's easy to adjust the slitting width
based on your products .
4.Rewinding unit
Name: rewinding air shafts Original: China
It's inflatable by air compressor ,convenient to upload and discharge the material ,You can rewinding
them into one shafts or two shafts according to your products . Easy to operate ,maintain,and change .