Circuit Board Setting Explanation
Please watch the video and combine the following text to get better understanding of these settings, video link is at the end of this manual.
Working Mode
The board itself works as a relay combines with different settings to achieve different working mode, it has 4 main different working modes: P1, P2, P3, P4.
P1 has P1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4 sub-mode.
P2 has P2.1, P2.2 sub-mode.
P3 has P3.1, P3.2 sub-mode.
P4 has no sub-mode.
The following settings are shared by all modes, this is basically all the setting you need to know about this machine.
OP Time (Operation Time) from 0.1 ~ 999 seconds
The OP time is the filling time we set, the final filling volume is determined by filling time and filling speed controlled by Blue Knob.
CL Time (Close Time) from 0.1 ~999 seconds
The CL Time is like a interval time between each filling process, useful in auto filling mode like P3.1
LOP (Loop Number) 1~999 or Infinite
Loop counter, counts how many times you want it to fill, also useful in auto filling mode.
We send the filling signal to the board by press the Green Button or the Pedal start filling, here’s what will happen when in different.
All P1’s sub-mode uses 1 setting OP Time.
Send signal to start filling and count down OP Time, it will stop filling once count down is due. If you send signal again during OP Time, it has no effect.
Send signal to start filling and count down OP Time, it will stop filling once count down is due. If you send signal again during OP Time, it will RESTART OP Time and continue to fill until OP Time is due.
Send signal to start filling and count down OP Time, it will stop filling once count down is due. If you send signal again during OP Time, it will stop filling immediately.
This mode can be only trigger once when you power on the machine, if you choose this mode, it will start filling right away and count down OP Time when power on, then it will stop filling until OP Time is due. So normally, we don’t use this mode.
P1.1 is the default and best manual mode we use.
This mode has 2 settings CL Time and OP Time. You can consider this CL Time as a delay time setting.
Send signal to start CL Time count down, when CL Time is due, it will start filling and count down OP Time, filling will stop once OP Time is due. If you send signal again during this process, it has no effect.
This mode is just like P2.1, but if you send signal again during the process, it will restart the whole process again.
This mode uses all 3 settings CL Time, OP Time and LOP .
Send signal to start filling and count down OP Time, when OP Time is finished, machine will stop filling and start count down CL Time. Once CL Time count down is finished, machine will check LOP (Loop Number) and restart this process until LOP (Loop Number) is 0. In here you can control how many times you want to fill by set the LOP (Loop Number).
This is exactly like P1.4 in the P1 mode, if you choose P3.2, everything works just like P3.1, except it can only be triggered by power on, so normally we’ll just use P3.1 instead, because we get to control when to start.
This mode uses 1 setting OP Time.
This is very much like P1.2, send signal to start filling, but if you hold the button, the machine will continue to filling, once you release the button, it will start OP Time count down and stop filling once OP Time is due.
If you signal again while count down, it will RESTART the whole process.
How to operate on these settings?
Now you know how all these modes works differently, here how to set it.
But we still highly recommend you to watch the video, it’s more clear than reading these text and give you headache, video link is at the end of this manual.
When machine’s power on, the board will blink and show which mode we’re on, P1.1 by default, then it will stop blinking and show 000, this is the Main Page.
When we’re at the Main Page, we can long press the Set Button to enter mode choosing, then you can use Increase Button Or Decrease Button to choose different mode you want.
So once you’re at the mode you want to set, you can then short press Set Button to enter the settings for this mode.
For example, if you’re at P3.1 and then short Press Set Button, first you’ll see OP blinking, then it enter numbers setting for OP, you’ll see numbers blinking.
Now here we introduce the Stop Button, in number setting, Stop Button is used to shift digit, please notice the position of the decimal point.
XXX. Means 1 ~ 999 seconds
XX.X Means 0.1 ~99.9 seconds
X.X.X Means 1~999 minutes
Choose the proper setting you want and use Increase, Decrease Button to set the number you need, then you can short press Set Button to enter next setting which is CL.
Once you done with CL, then short press Set Button to enter next setting which is LOP
LOP has two cases
1~999 meaning loop number you want.
--- meaning infinite looping time.
Basically you can short press Set Button to cycle all the setting(OP, CL, LOP), please notice if you’re in mode like P1.1 which has only one setting (OP), then you can only set OP.
After you done with all settings, you can then long press Set Button to exit to Main Page.
Relay Enable/Disable mode
In Main Page, we can short press Stop Button to cycle through ON and OFF.
On means the relay will open during OP Time.
OFF means the relay will remain off during OP Time.
This is very much like an permanent disable filling function, but you shouldn’t use it. Why? Because you may forget to set it back to ON and find the machine will work but the pump doesn’t fill at all. If you somehow want to stop the filling, please use the Red Button.
Sleeping Mode/Always-on Mode
In Main Page, we can long press Stop Button to cycle through C-P and O-d.
C-P means if the machine receives no operation after 5 minutes, the screen will turn off itself to save energy.
O-d means the screen will always be on.