1).high flow, high precision
2).high porosity, permeability, pressure drop very low
3).excellent mechanical strength, resistance to high pressure up to 200Kg
4).easy to clean, backpulsing
5).corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance
6).good processing performance, folding, welding, adhesive
7).design flexibility
8).80-200l/min - rated flow; working pressure 1.5-2.5pa; filtering area (M2) 0.01-3.0; (m) 2-200. filtering accuracy
1).polyester, filament, staple, film production of polymer melt filter;
2).temperature gas, steam filter; high temperature liquid, viscous liquid filtration.
3).petrochemical, oil pipeline gas filtration; equipment, mechanical equipment, fuel filter;
4).the water treatment industry equipment can also be used for chemical filtration; liquid filtration.
5).food processing and pharmaceutical.