Q1: Can we order a sample initially to check the quality?
A: Yes, we have sample in stock, you can order anytime you want.
Q2: Can you provide customize service to us?
A: Yes. OEM/ODM is acceptable. We can customize product for you including packaging.
Q3: What is your MOQ?
A: It depends on what products you are looking for. Our MOQ is flexible and can be delivered to you very fast if we have them in stock. Otherwise, we need double check with our production department.
Q4: Can we pay orders by Palpal?
A: Yes, you can pay orders by Palpal. However, we strongly suggest Alibaba Trade Assurance because 1) it is the same as Paypal, can protect your money. when you do the payment, the money go directly to Alibaba bank account. Alibaba won't give us the money until we sent you the order and you confirmed everything is ok. Of course in case of bad quality you can refund the money.
2) The handling fee is more cheap than PayPal.
3) The order data will appear in your Alibaba account, and when you make more orders with trade assurance, Alibaba will give you "active buyer-super star buyer", and will recommend the best suppliers for you. Also you will enjoy Alibaba more nice services such as "Pay later" which mean order first pay later.