3G NET G2288
Frequency : 900/1800;GSM/GPRS
Ringtone: 64 chord
Memory : 64M
Camera: 300K
Sensor: CMOS
Mp3: support, MIDI/MP3/WAV
Color : red , white , black
Dimension : 94×40×15mm;56cm3
Weight : 69 g
Standard allocation;battery (900 mAh),reclining charger ,instruction ,Usb wire,leather case ,earphone
Contact by : szwinstar-1 at live dot cn
company webside : 3w szwinstar dot net
Our company is mainly engaged in mobile phone.We sell dual sim card dual standby mobile phone,GPS mobile phone GSM mobile phone ,camera mobile phone,TV-mobile phone,refurbished brand mobile phone . Because we have done mobile phone business for 7 years and establish long-term relationship with manufacture .so we can supply you mobile phone with good quality and competitive price.