Features: * Save energy with high efficiency * Instant money to save * Reduce electricity bills 30% * Prolonged life of your appliances * Reduce over-heating of electronic * Outstanding recovery of investment and excellent pricing * Easy to use, free repair * Environmentally Friendly * Reduce power products * Stablilize current * Surge protection * Fully subject to safety standards * Improve power factor of electrical supplies
How it works It is used as the level of scientific and technological progress in electronic technology now actively monitor and improve your home, office or industrial equipment power factor. In addition, the smart technology selection voltage and current requirements in your electricity bills thus reducing the activities of power KwH requirements, and shall be 30% savings! It also as a voltage stabilizer by Cunfang energy 10 seconds and loaded into a constant voltage supply in During a brief power surge. This in turn resulted in longer life of your appliances.