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1) The low-voltage carrier wave centralized meter-reading system is an
automatic system integrating the functions of meter data collection,
carrier wave transmission, data memory, data communication, data
processing and electric power break controlling, etc. This system provides
users' power utilizing situation for the power supplying department in
time and monitors the behavior of electric larceny. It also provides power
supplying control (For example, power break is imposed to one user due
to his outstanding payment for long period.) according to requirements.
Man power and material resources for meter reading are saved through
remote meter reading.
2) System Structure:
a) a The system consists of 3 parts: meter-reading management unit
(made of meter-reading management software and meter-reading
management computer), data concentrator and meter end carrier wave
RU (including single meter RU and multiplex pulse RU)
b) The system is centered around the data concentrator, with its up-stream
communication with the meter-reading management unit through
channels of the public telephone network, etc., while its down-stream
communication with the meter end carrier wave RU by means of carrier
wave achieves the function of automatic centralized meter-reading
3) Carrier wave meter-reading application system 3.3X:
a) This software integrates meter file management, meter data collection,
meter data management and meter abnormity analysis. It provides
relatively perfect measures for concentrative meter reading and
concentrative management
b) In the meter-reading manner, it simultaneously supports lineate
(MODEM) meter reading, wireless (or GSM) meter reading, special
telephone line (or straight connected) meter reading and PDA (straight
connected, infrared) meter reading
c) Supports timing meter reading, daily frozen meter reading, monthly
frozen meter reading, the operation of spot reading , relay setting and
relay controlling, etc.
d) The reading data can be dealt with all kinds of disposal
4) Carrier wave data concentrator: The carrier wave data concentrator acts
as the central link of the low-voltage carrier wave centralized meter-reading system, which connects with the up-stream central management system
and several down-stream meter control module. It is responsible for
controlling the procedure of meter reading and receiving, storing and
transmitting the reading data.
5) Terminal devices:
a) Single-phase electric carrier wave meter
b) Single-phase electric multi-tariff carrier wave meter
c) Single-phase electric multi-tariff IC card carrier wave meter
d) Carrier wave module
e) Multiplex carrier wave terminal (route No. 2~16): realizes the multiplexing of carrier wave communication interface and pulse acquisition for multiple meters.
It has excellent price performance ratio. The expense of apportioning each user is decreased to the lowest. And it is fit for installing in the meter box in the user mass areas of urban and rural residential houses.