Elastic yarns have become indispensable for the textiles industry.and in order to meet today’s requirements to the full,our partners have come up with a brand new elastic philosophy-PBT
PBT has extension capacities that surpass those of comparable yarns by one third.This highly elastic,friction textured PBT yarn will convince you with its soft,pleasant touch that is ideal for comfort clothing,in particular for sports.
Thanks to its unique recovery properties,PBT fabrics will always return to their original shape even after extreme strain.This ensures comfortable,body hugging clothing that is ideal to wear for sports activities.
PBT combines high resistance with extraordinary softness.Even after further manipulation,PBT won’t lose its suppleness.
The exceptional light-fastness of PBT is equivalent to that of a normal polyester.And its proven resistance to chlorine and UV rays makes PBT the perfect choice for all types of clothing.
And PBT will develop its strengths even when used in combinaion with natural and other synthetic fibres,thanks,amongst other things,to its 100℃ required dyeing temperature.