Compact manoeuverable Drawn Arc equipment designed to weld up to M16 diameter studs. With its simple robust construction the 1200E offers an economic and reliable method of fixing Mild Steel and Stainless Steel studs. Fast, accurate and easy to operate, the System 1200E gives you better weld results.
Designed and built to exacting standards and meets all required standards, the System 1200E is CE marked.
Mounted on 4 wheels making the machine easily manoeuverable
(front 2 swivel wheels are fitted with brakes).
Soak tested components used. All systems undergo extensive
durability tests.
Microcomputer controlled.
Infinitely adjustable welding current.
Constant current control.
Infinitely adjustable welding time.
Solid state switching.
Visual current and time display.
Current reporting procedure.
Thermostatically controlled air cooling.
Recessed front and back panels protect controls and weld sockets.
Twist and lock weld plugs and sockets.
Handtool can use any UK and European chucking system.
Gun lift test facility.
Chuck saver circuit fitted.
Fitted with gas facility.
Welds Short Cycle Drawn Arc.