Handbags,Tote bag,Lady handbag
USD $16 - $16 /Piece
Min.Order:100 Pieces
Guangzhou Quanda Leather Goods Factory
Wholesale brand handbags,fashion handbags,branded handbags,designer handbags,leather handbags,pu handbags,brand purses,fashion purses,branded purses,designer purses,leather purses,pu purses,brand bags,fashion bags,branded bags,designer bags,leather bags,pu bags and so on.
Your order can mix different styles.
The more you buy,the cheaper price you will get.
We accept western union,moneygram and PAYPAL.
The shipping time is about one week by EMS.
If any informations, pls don't hesitate to contact with me, thks.
skype : a061612126