Using marine airbags to
haul out vessels can overcome the limitations of instruments and slipways and make haul-out work easy. The haul capacity of this system is decided by the pull winch and slope angle of slipway or ramp so it is easy to get improved. Generally speaking up to 4,000 tons vessel can safely be hauled out using airbags.
The basic principle of airbags ship launching or haul-out is changing the force of sliding friction into rolling friction, just like ancient Egyptian using logs to transport heavies. The rolling friction coefficient of airbags and ground is decided by the ground situation and airbags’ bearing forces. People can use 0.006-0.01 as the estimate figure if the ramp is concrete.
Haul out vessels with airbags especially suits for emergency such as hurricane coming. With airbags people can haul out vessels and transport them to safe place for store. For ship repairing company use airbags to haul out vessels can improve his operation capacity and need tiny enhancement of present slipway.