Product Details
The cold welder is a tool to joint nonferrous wires with the method of cold butt weld ,There is no need to use electricity, heat, flux and electrode, thus saving such troublesome pretreating works of metal wire as cutting and cleaning the wire .I only needs to thread two wire ends into a welding die, to match a suitable die depending upon the size of the wire, and then to press a handle of the welding machine several times , and the two wire ends get jointed, The result of such a welding is the same as the wire before welding ,its tensile strength at the joint of the welded wire is good (equal to or even bigger than mother wire)and is not broken at the joint. Its resis-
tivity is not bigger than that of original wire, therefore such welding is not to be compared with other welding method.
The merit of cold welding means simplicity in operation, with no need of extraordinary skill. With the method it is possible to ensure the reliability of welding , it is the most reliable and the most economic method to joint nonferrous wires and their alloys.
Our company is always at your disposal and is ready to supply you with high quality cold welders and cold welding dies.