Specifications: Rf-connectors, rf-cable assemblies, and rf-components with ul certificates. The full range of complete lines of products for mobile and wireless telecommunication Systems in civil and military fields. Range of products: Rf-connector - series of n,7/16din, sma, smb, smc, smz, mck, bnc, tnc, Uhf, twin. Rf-components- power divider, arrestors, omni antenna&terminations, Cables&cable aaemblies Adaptors Ready to provide all your rf-connector and cable assembly needs From dc to 20ghz with precision, the best performance, and reasonable price. Our well equipped up-to-date facility offers metal manufacturing From raw feed stock to ready-to-assemble rf connectors, cable assemblies and rf components. Sales record: Us$ 10 million(local80% and export:20% - europe and pacific)