Product Details
Equipment Name:
High Frequency mobile c arm x ray equipment; c arm x ray machine ;c arm unit;HF c arm x ray equipment
High Frequency Mobile C-arm System
C arm x ray machine is a kind of photograph machine for having an nice appearance.
The model of c arm is PLX112C
Usage of surgical c armx ray machine
Orthopedics: restore bone translocation, reset, fixing
Surgery: taking foreign bodies out of the body, cardiac catheterization, implantable
pacemakers, interventional treatment, some of angiography and local photography etc.
Technical Parameters of surgical c arm x ray machine
C arm x ray machine Fluoroscopic Capacity
mobile c arm Max rated capacity:5.0kW
c arm unit Fluoroscopy Methods:Automatic ,Manual,Pulse
c arm machine Tube Voltage:40kV~120kV