Product Details
1)In mouse mode, it employs 6 buttons, these buttons act as mouse function, veryeasy to control mouse cursor. When press mouse-left button, the mouse cursor willmove to left, and so on. The mouse-left key acts as mouse left press, and themouse-right key act as mouse right press.2)In presentation mode, it employs 7 buttons act as page up, page down, windows minimize,windows close, windows shift, laser and enter.3)In multimedia mode, it employs 4 buttons act as volume up, volume down, windowsminimize, windows close.4)In reminding mode, it only employs 3 buttons act as time ++ and time --, enter,and cancel. When press enter, the time is set, when press cancel, time can be setby time++ or time--. If time is set to 0, it means reminding function is inhibited.5)Attention: only in presentation mode, the LASER can work, else it is inhibitedfor safe usage.
producing area:China