Product Details
Specifications: Zinc selenide is used for optical windows, lenses, mirrors and prisms particularly for infrared applications. The transmission range is 0.6mkm - 20 mkm. Different optical components for both scientific and technological application in uv, vis and ir band. The main production is optical windows, lenses, prisms, mirrors, filters, wedges made of kbr, nacl, kcl, csi, caf2, baf2, lif, mgf2, znse, sapphire, si, ge, optical glasses, fused silica, etc. Also we can provide you with scintillators and sillentine crystals. You can oder blanks or polished samples. We can deliver pointed materials for you to produce optics on your own. We can coat your samples with whatever you like coatings. If you like, you may find more information in our web site. World wide fast delivery is guaranteed.