Fukkol Silicone Oil 500cst
Kalen Lubricant Technology (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
Product Information
Fukkol Silicone Oil 500cst is proprietary dimethyl poly siloxanes and special solve .they are available in a series of standard . It is colourless, chemical inert ,odourless and non-toxic.it maintains a high stability under high and low temperature range.
Fukkol silicone oil is shear stable ,when subjected to prolonged shear, they undergo very little permanent change in viscosity .fukkol series are clear ,colourless and odourless, they are soluble in most aliphatic and automatic solvents .with the exception of the low -viscosity fluid ,they are insoluble in water.
Product Application
-Suitable for industrial of cosmetics ,food processing ,textile ,electrical ,plastic ,glass ;etc.
-For lubricating ,mould releasing ,anti-foaming,water resist ,sealing and anti-friction.
-Clear transparency fluid .
-Resistance to acids and alkalines.non-corrosice to metal.
-Do not affect most of the plastic and rubber.
-Withstand to high and low temperature range ,chemically inert and remains effective at the tempera ture of -50 - 300°C to air or 200°Cunder inert condition.