Poultry Vaccinator
Negotiable /Unit
Min.Order:10 Units
Vijay Raj Vaccinator is a sturdy precision instrument designed to deliver precisely 0.1 c.c. ½ c.c.Per dose of vaccine, antibiotic or any other injectable product.This instrument is ideal for use by the Tropical Spray, Subcutaneous Intramuscular,Intranasal or Intracrop methods of applications. This instrument has been field tested on many birds with satisfactory result.It accepts all standard length of needles.
This automatic vaccinator is a strong and accurate instrument that allows precise and reliable dosing. All components are made from finest long lasting materials treated against corrosion
Clour : Gray
Vijay Raj Manufacturing Range includes:-
1) Poultry cages: Battery type, A type, California type cages with egg and manure collection, auto feeding system for breeders, layers, growers & chicks.
2) Poultry cages: Vijay Raj comfort cages [ 7 birds per box]
3) Nipple drinkers for chicks, Growers, Layers & Breeders.
4) Environment control system [ Fan/ Cooling pads/ Fogging]
5) Ventilation / Exhaust fans.
6) Space heaters & Gas brooders.
7) Automatic Pan feeding system for broilers breeders & commercial broilers, Automatic nest boxes, Silos.
8) Broiler plastic equipments, Incubator, Vaccinator, Debeakers.