How does IPL work?
The IPL hand piece delivers high intensity pulses of broadband light that is different from the narrow band light of lasers. IPL, which stands for intensed pulsed light, is non-ablative meaning that is does not damage the surface of the skin.
The intense light is delivered to the deeper parts of the skin (dermis) and leaves the superficial aspect of the skin (epidermis) untouched. There are different versions of IPL available on the market that target different structures in the skin.Applications:- Permanent Hair Removal, really painlessly
- Skin Whitening . Wrinkle removal
- Skin Rejuvenation,Skin Lifting
1) Skin contacting detection setup ensures shooting safety.
2) More than 50,000 shots lifetime with advanced multi-pulses technology.
3) 7 cm2 Super spots size means less treatment time and less consumes.
4) 7J/ cm2 (max) ensures effective of hair removal and skin safety keeps.
5) Multi pulse technology makes the energy output more accurate: each time press the button,it will output 2 to 5 shots continuously, very convenient and fast operation.
1) IPL Hair Remover System Clean & convenient design:
- Handpiece storage
- Cable storage or guide hole, Safe and easy to use at home
- Touch sensor
- User friendly Interface
2) Effectivenes:
--- Professional performance at high value.
Continual use of consumables:
---High-efficiency and comfort: large spot size ensures high-efficient operation
---Advanced non-stripping, non damaging soft skin technology, remove speckle, hair and make soft skin simultaneously.
---Entire cooling system makes the treatment more comfortable.
---New fashionable outlook design