*U.S.P Sizes available 5-0 to 2.
* Without needle- 152cms, 2X76cms
* With needle- Suture lengths from 76cms to 152cms
Technical Details :
Product: "RT-ED" Absorbable Surgical Suture U.S.P, Chromic Catgut Sutures Raw Material Used: Submucosal layer of ovine intestines. Colour : Brown(Chromic) Sterilization: Ethylene Oxide in an alcoholic base Shelf Life :5 years
Range: *U.S.P Sizes available 5-0 to 2. * Without needle- 152cms, 2X76cms * With needle- Suture lengths from 76cms to 152cms & Needle length from 12mm to 65mm across all needle profiles.
Packaging: * Wet (Packed in Iso propyl alcohol-IPA) * Primary packaging-Aluminium foil. * Secondary packaging- Medical grade paper & Polyester laminated poly film. * Pack of 12pcs- 320gsm Cyber excel board carton. * Master shipper 100 boxes of 12s ( 5 ply of 20 Kgs/cm² burst strength - 54 x 33 x 33 cms) weighing approximately 10 kgs with products.
Features: * Absorption within 90-120 days. * High collagen purity * Accurate polishing ensures smooth tissue passage. * Packed in IPA to retain memory & increase pliability. * Uniform chrome content provides required wound support and absorption. * Uniform twist spread along the suture length and controlled drying provide high tensile strength