kind usd
HH001 simple squamous epithelium frontal view 0.459
HH002 human stratified squamous epithelium sec.(esophagus) 1.658
HH003 simple squamous epithelium sec. 0.47
HH004 simple columnar epithelium sec. 0.47
HH005 human simple columnar epithelium 1.658
HH006 human simple cuboidal epithelium 1.658
HH007 pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 0.47
HH008 transitional epithelium(bladder)(aeriality) 0.582
HH009 transitional epithelium(bladder)(expand) 0.571
HH010 simple cuboidal epithelium sec. 0.571
HH011 stratified pavement epithelium sec. 0.47
HH012 Simple ciliated columnar epithelium sec. 0.47
HH013 loose connective tissue w.m 0.47
HH014 human loose connective tissue sec.(fundus of stomach) w.m 1.658
HH015 human loose connective tissue sec.(fundus of stomach) 2.206
HH016 loose connective tissue sec. 0.616
HH017 dense connective tissue sec. 0.728
HH018 human dense connective tissue (endon) 2.072
HH019 adipose tissue sec. 0.728
HH020 human adipose tissue 3.394
HH021 areolar tissue (lymphonodus)(silver plating 1.422
HH022 human areolar tissue 1.736
HH023 hyaline cartilage sec. 0.627
HH024 human hyaline cartilage sec. (show the costicartilage) 1.658
HH025 fibrous cartilage sec. 1.176
HH026 elastic cartilage sec. 0.941
HH027 os osseum cross abrasive disc 3.416
HH028 os osseum plasma-ashed t.s 1.422
HH029 os osseum plasma-ashed l.s 1.422
HH030 human blood smear 0.997
HH031 human os osseum cross abrasive disc 1.658
HH032 human marrow t.s 1.658
HH033 red marrow smear 0.627
HH034 os osseum vertical abrasive disc 3.416
HH035 smooth muscle separate w.m 0.47
HH036 smooth muscle l.s and t.s 0.605
HH037 skeletal muscle separate w.m 0.493
HH038 skeletal muscle l.s and t.s 0.762
HH039 skeletal muscle t.s 0.627
HH040 skeletal muscle l.s 0.627
HH041 myocardium sec. 0.582
HH042 Myocardial separation w.m 0.582
HH043 spinal cord smear 0.582
HH044 Nerve cell separation 0.493
HH045 spinal cord transection 0.582
HH046 human spinal cord transection 1.658
HH047 medullated fibers l.s and t.s 0.773
HH048 motor end plate w.m 1.512
HH049 tactile corpuscle 0.638
HH050 pacinian corpuscle sec. 1.075
HH051 human pacinian corpuscle sec. 1.4
HH052 human elastic cartilage slides(showing the auricula) 1.658
HH053 cerebrum sec. 0.93
HH054 cerebrum slides(hematoxylin) 0.93
HH055 cerebellum sec. 0.93
HH056 human cerebrum sec. 1.658
HH057 human cerebellum sec. 1.658
HH058 human ganglion spinale sec. 1.658
HH059 ganglion spinale sec. 0.504
HH060 sympathetic ganglion sec. 0.504
HH061 ischiadic nerve t.s and l.s 1.21
HH062 brain cones cell sec. 1.512
HH063 epencephalon 1.512
HH064 Myelinated nerve isolate w.m 1.512
HH065 nerve trunk t.s and l.s(silver impregnation method) 1.176
HH066 nerve trunk t.s and l.s(HE) 1.176
HH067 heart sec. 0.616
HH068 human heart sec.(parietes) 1.96
HH069 heart valve sec. 0.504
HH070 medium arteriovenous sec. 0.504
HH071 Arteriovenous nerve t.s 0.504
HH072 main artery sec. 0.504
HH073 vena cava sec. 0.504
HH074 small rteriovenous sec. 0.504
HH075 human medium arteriovenous sec. 1.658
HH076 human main artery sec. 1.658
HH077 human vena cava sec. 1.658
HH078 mesentery stretched preparation(show capillary network 0.616
HH079 lymphatic stretched preparation 0.728
HH080 Purkinje fiber sec. 0.504
HH081 lymph gland sec. 0.616
HH082 human lymph gland sec. 1.736
HH083 spleen sec. 0.504
HH084 human spleen sec. 1.736
HH085 thymus gland sec. 0.616
HH086 palate tonsil 0.728
HH087 human thyroid gland sec. 2.296
HH088 thyroid gland sec. 0.616
HH089 Gley's glands sec. 0.616
HH090 adrenal gland sec. 0.538
HH091 hypophysis cerebri sec. 0.997
HH092 thyroid follicle parietal cell sec. 0.997
HH093 tongue tip sec.(tongue l.s) 0.504
HH094 tongue sec.(show taste bud ) 0.504
HH095 human body of tongue sec.(show inner structure) 0.504
HH096 human epityphlon sec. 2.296
HH097 esophagus t.s 0.504
HH098 esophagus - 0.504
HH099 fundus of stomach sec. 0.504
HH100 gastric body sec. 0.504
HH101 human stomach sec. 1.736
HH102 human esophagus sec. 1.736
HH103 human renal cortical t.s 1.949
HH104 jejunum sec. 0.504
HH105 myenteric nerve plexus w.m 0.728
HH106 pylorus smll sec. 0.616
HH107 duodenum sec. 0.504
HH108 ileum sec. 0.616
HH109 small intestine sec. 0.504
HH110 epityphlon sec. 0.616
HH111 colon sec. 0.504
HH112 large intestine sec. 0.504
HH113 parotid gland sec. 0.829
HH114 salivary gland sec. 0.762
HH115 sublingual gland sec. 0.762
HH116 liver sec. 0.829
HH117 human liver sec. 1.658
HH118 red marrow sec. 1.926
HH119 gallbladder leaflet sec. 0.616
HH120 cholangiole sec. 1.064
HH121 liver vessel injection sec. 1.064
HH122 gall bladder sec. 0.504
HH123 pancreas sec. 0.616
HH124 parotid sec. 0.504
HH125 air tube t.s 1.176
HH126 air tube l.s 1.03
HH127 lung sec. 0.616
HH128 human lung sec. 1.658
HH129 lung vessel injection sec. 1.064
HH130 elastic fibres of lung sec. 2.486
HH131 epiglottic cartilage sagittal 0.941
HH132 kidney sec. 1.064
HH133 human kidney sec. 1.658
HH134 bladder sec.(void) 0.538
HH135 bladder sec.(expand) 0.538
HH136 human bladder sec 1.669
HH137 Kidney vessel injection sec. 1.064
HH138 ureter t.s 0.504
HH139 human ureter t.s 1.669
HH140 spermary sec. 0.605
HH141 sperm smear 0.493
HH142 human sperm smear 0.661
HH143 testis sec. 0.93
HH144 human testis sec. 2.979
HH145 epididymis sec. 0.952
HH146 human seminal vesicle sec. 1.658
HH147 human prostate glands sec 1.658
HH148 spermaduct t.s 0.504
HH149 ovary sec. 0.851
HH150 human ovary sec. 1.658
HH151 corpus luteum sec. 0.84
HH152 uterus whole sec. 0.84
HH153 uterus (proliferative stage) sec. 0.84
HH154 uterus (secretory phase) sec. 0.84
HH155 cervix uterus sec. 0.84
HH156 human uterus sec. 1.658
HH157 fallopian tube ampulla t.s 0.616
HH158 human fallopian tube ampulla sec. 1.658
HH159 fallopian tube t.s 0.616
HH160 human fallopian tube t.s 1.658
HH161 umbilical cord t.s 0.616
HH162 vagina sec. 0.616
HH163 human yin channel t.s 1.658
HH164 pineal body sec. 1.658
HH165 breast stage 0.728
HH166 breast sec.stationary phase 0.728
HH167 human breast sec. 1.658
HH168 placenta sec. 0.616
HH169 human placenta sec. 1.434
HH170 eyelid sagittal sec.cross nerve) 3.864
HH171 eyelid sagittal sec.not cross the nerve) 2.632
HH172 eyelid sagittal sec. 1.03
HH173 tear gland sec 1.03
HH174 inner ear sec. 3.864
HH175 human sking show sweat gland 1.042
HH176 human sking show hair follicle 1.176
HH177 human finger t.s 1.747
HH178 human finger l.s 1.882
HH179 human skin showing the cuticle 1.176
HH180 human long bone shape 2.296
HH181 deashing bone of human sec. 1.624
Direct factory for medical school human microscope slides