1.Q: How to order the products?
A:Send the inquiry with detailed key technical data or information you requested or with Model number.If there is no packaging request we will take it as sea-way packing. If possible please attach one reference picture to avoid any misunderstanding or any links from our website for us to exactly understand what you mean .
2.Q: What about lead or shipping time?
A: The lead time depends on quantity you ordered,but generally within 25 days upon receiving advance payment.
3.Q: Is OEM and ODM available?
A: With 20 years proven experience in distribution equipment manufacture, we supply reliable customized products to our clients at home and abroad. For special technical parameters and service environment, you are expected to provide us with detailed information to facilitate our manufacture of exact product you requested.
4.Q: How long does it take for me to get the quotation.
A: For customized products, we will quote after you provide the requested product detailed within 48 hours because we need the time to calculate cost, but we will quote the soonest possible. for our standard product posted here we can quote in 24 hours.
5.Q: What about discount?
A: We expect long-term cooperation with any honest client, so for our first transaction we will quote at a competitive price , for further transactions in the future we will give you even lower quotation.
6.Q: Can i visit your company?
A: You are most welcomed to visit our company and workshop, we will arrange a pleasant trip for you here