3-in-1 Moisture Water pH & Light Garden Plant Soil Probe Meter
Product Features:
Red ladybug design
3-in-1 Moisture, pH & Light Garden Soil Meter
No batteries required
Moisture indicator tells if you are under or over watering at the root level
pH indicator measures soil acidity and alkalinity
Light indicator measures whether plants are getting adequate lighting
Moisture, pH and light switch
No batteries required
Approximate height: 10-inches
Moisture Meter:
Red Zone: Dry to slight humid, for plants such as Cactaceae, thick-leaved plants, Sanseviera, etc.
Green Zone: Slight humid to humid for plants such as Begonia, Cyclamen, Euphorbia, Ficus, Fuschia, Philodendron, Geranium, Saintpaulia, Azalea, Adantum, etc.
Blue Zone: Very humid, do not water or drown plants