Wire Harnesses
Wire harnesses, also known as cable assemblies, wiring assemblies or cable harnesses, is a string of cables and/or wires which transmit informational signals or operating currents. The cables are bound together by clamps, cable ties, cable lacing, sleeves, electrical tape, conduit, a weave of extruded string, or a combination thereof.
Wire harnesses are used in a whole range of products such as:-
- Electrical cable & wire harnesses
- Electro-mechanical wire harnesses
- Battery and power supply wire harness assembly
- Multi-conductor cable harnesses
- Industrial wire harnesses
- Passive component-to-wire applications
- Switch-to-wire applications
- Board assemblies
- Alarm / Surveillance & Security wiring harnesses
- Control and panel wiring assembly, as well as internal and external wire harnesses
Cable harnesses are usually designed according to geometric and electrical requirements. A diagram is then provided for the assembly preparation and assembly.
The wires are first cut to the desired length, usually using a special wire-cutting machine. The wires may also be printed on by a special machine during the cutting process or on a separate machine. After this, the ends of the wires are stripped to expose the metal (or core) of the wires, which are fitted with any required terminals and/or connector housings. The cables are assembled and clamped together on a special workbench, or onto a pin board (assembly board), according to the design specification, to form the cable harness. After fitting any protective sleeves, conduit, or extruded yarn, the harness is either fitted directly in the vehicle or shipped.
Cable harnesses continue to be manufactured by hand, and this will likely remain the case for the foreseeable future.
Manufacturers of Wire Harnesses
One of the leading manufacturers of Wire Harnesses in ShenZhen is TRANGJAN, a company based in China. we provide quality and low price goods all over the world.
Product picture