tip: cheap bicycle helmet
Advantages of our factory:
- We have been manufacturing, designing and developing sport helmets for 17 years, and we are adept in such field and can cope with vary countries' requirements.
- We can answer our clients any questions about any sport helmets. Meanwhile, we provide our clients professional suggestion as well.
- Best product quality and favorable unit price; Mutual trust and long term business relationship with customers.
- Low FOB cost with 2 adjacent exports port near our factory.
- We are a manufacturing factory instead of trading company.
- Free of charge for samples.
- Offering valuable maketing strategy for customers' reference.
or good looking and strong protection purphose, fitting for youngsters and adults.
1) Adjustable size ring.
2) PC in mold top and bottom.
3) Shell with high-impact EPS liner.
4) PA strap, ITW buckle.
5) Weiht: around 230g.
6) Size: M:54-58cm L:56-60cm